Education Database

The COOL 2.0 resource database contains hundreds of climate change resources selected by teachers and educators. You can Search for resources - View the most recent resources - Add resources to your COOL classroom - Add your own resource to the database.

Search Results (10)

  • Environment

    Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence and Climate Change: Dancing Our Way to a Better Environment

    In this lesson, students will use their kinesthetic intelligence to choerograph and perform a dance about climate change. Students will learn the basic principals of movement and will experiment with choreographing their own creative...

    Type:Lesson Plan
    Topic:Air, Atmosphere and Climate, Environment
    Subject:Dance, Arts
    Level:Primary / Elementary, Intermediate / Middle, Secondary

  • Taking Action

    A video that captures a transformative art piece over time. The artwork speaks to the dominance of corporate power within governance and resulting implications with respect to climate change. This resource is a great example of how...

    Topic:Governance, Taking Action
    Subject:Visual Arts, Arts, Social Studies
    Grade: 9 10 11 12

  • Sustainable Development

    Critical Hope -

      This activity is part of a larger environmental education workshop package called Critical Hope; An Approach to Environmental Education which includes almost 30 group or classroom activities. This stand-alone activity has...

    Type:Lesson Plan
    Topic:Air, Atmosphere and Climate, Globalization, Sustainable Development
    Subject:English / Language Arts, Civics & Citizenship, Arts, Social Studies, Environmental Studies
    Level:Primary / Elementary, Intermediate / Middle, Secondary

  • Natural Resources

    Critical Hope - "Open Sentences" activity

      This activity is part of a larger environmental education workshop package called Critical Hope; An Approach to Environmental Education which includes almost 30 group or classroom activities. This stand-alone activity...

    Type:Lesson Plan
    Topic:Air, Atmosphere and Climate, Ecosystems, Natural Resources
    Subject:Science, English / Language Arts, Arts, Social Studies, Global Studies
    Level:Primary / Elementary, Intermediate / Middle, Secondary
    Grade: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

  • Sustainable Development

    Critical Hope - Group Introductions activity

      This activity is part of a larger environmental education workshop package called Critical Hope; An Approach to Environmental Education which includes almost 30 group or classroom activities. This stand-alone activity...

    Type:Lesson Plan
    Topic:Air, Atmosphere and Climate, Ecosystems, Sustainable Development
    Subject:Arts, Social Studies, Environmental Studies, Global Studies
    Level:Primary / Elementary, Intermediate / Middle, Secondary
    Grade: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

  • Taking Action

    No Idling at Schools

    This project will help you and your Action Team increase your understanding of issues relating to climate change. You will develop an anti-idling campaign at your school, creating posters and information handouts about the negative...

    Type:Lesson Plan
    Topic:Air, Atmosphere and Climate, Taking Action
    Subject:Mathematics, Science, English / Language Arts, Arts
    Level:Primary / Elementary, Intermediate / Middle, Secondary
    Grade:JK K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

  • Recycling and Waste Management

    Recycle for Education Contest

    Staples Canada Recycle For Education program is giving away 20 computer labs to eco-responsible schools across Canada (each lab is valued at $25,000).  Any elementary or secondary school in Canada can enter by submitting an...

    Topic:Air, Atmosphere and Climate, Energy Use and Conservation, Recycling and Waste Management
    Subject:Science, English / Language Arts, Arts, Environmental Studies
    Level:Intermediate / Middle, Secondary
    Grade: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

  • Taking Action

    Reusable Bags

    This project will have you and your action team designing grocery bags from old materials from home to make funky & fun grocery bags! There are plenty of innovative ways you can reuse common household products and learning how to...

    Type:Lesson Plan
    Topic:Health, Recycling and Waste Management, Taking Action
    Subject:Arts, Social Studies
    Level:Intermediate / Middle
    Grade: 4 5 6 7 8 9

  • Solutions

    Shades of Green: Developing Artistic Approaches to Environmental Education

    This webinar explores the emerging field of eco-art education, an integration of art education and environmental education as a means of helping to develop environmental literacy in students and teachers. Hilary Inwood will introduce...

    Subject:Visual Arts, Arts, Environmental Studies
    Level:Primary / Elementary, Intermediate / Middle, Secondary
    Grade: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

  • Taking Action

    Thematic Poetry Videos

    Overview: Youth literacy can be promoted by leveraging youth culture, such as rap/music videos. By merging sound and visual imagery with text, a poetry writing task can be transformed into a multi-media video assignment. English...

    Type:Lesson Plan
    Topic:Air, Atmosphere and Climate, Solutions, Taking Action
    Subject:English / Language Arts, Arts
    Level:Intermediate / Middle
    Grade: 6 7 8 9

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