No Idling at Schools
This project will help you and your Action Team increase your understanding of issues relating to climate change. You will develop an anti-idling campaign at your school, creating posters and information handouts about the negative effects of idling and ask drivers to take the anti-idling pledge and be aware of your schools no idling zone!
Language: English
Teaching Process
• After learning about the negative effects of vehicle idling, students monitor traffic at their school to determine if idling is an important local issue.
• Students analyze their data and assuming idling is an issue, document their findings through movie shorts or a photography project in an effort to educate the school community and help bring about behavioural change.
• Once projects are ready to go, students organize a showing of their work and later try to determine the effectiveness of their message on their audience.
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Administration:Edit Resource
Source:LSF - EcoLeague
Resource Type:Lesson Plan
Subject(s):Mathematics, Science, English / Language Arts, Arts,
Topic:Air, Atmosphere and Climate, Taking Action,
Level:Primary / ElementaryIntermediate / MiddleSecondary
Grade:JKK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12