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  • Taking Action

    Heat Up Over Climate Change: Be the Change

    Globalization, Social Justice, Solutions

    This lesson plan is a part of the Heat Up Over Climate Change action pack. The objective of this lesson plan is to ...


  • Taking Action

    Transportation to School

    Globalization, Social Justice, Solutions

    Students conduct a audit of how students and teachers get to and from school. Audit data is then added to a map of ...


  • Sustainable Development

    Food Issues in the 21st Century

    Globalization, Social Justice, Solutions

    Students study global and local food issues through examining the changing nature of farming on the prairies and th...


  • Solutions

    Ayiti Lesson 1: Play the Game

    Globalization, Social Justice, Solutions

    Ayiti: The Cost of Life is a role-playing video game in which the player assumes the roles of family members livin...


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