Ayiti Lesson 1: Play the Game

Submitted By:bjoseph
Administration:Edit Resource
Resource Type:Lesson Plan
Subject(s):Civics & CitizenshipHealth & WellbeingInterdisciplinary StudiesGlobal Studies
Topic:GlobalizationSocial JusticeSolutions
Level:Intermediate / MiddleSecondary
Grade: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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  • "Interactive activity to help students see an alternate perspective." (Posted By: noilesw)

  • "Always through the crisis on the market are formed small companies can make new socially significant products with minimum cost. In Russia, destroyed by civil society organizations. We offer virtual education and a mobile puppet theater for the protection of cultural and green values. In every social organization for the transfer of experience creating educational space." (Posted By: Drop)

  • "Very interesting, to be honest, should accept this that life is a game. How the poeple play it?. I beleive that no one knows how the life will treat us, but definitely we should be able to enjoy each second of our life. Khatera" (Posted By: Khatera Rashidi)

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