Bjorn Lomborg sets global priorities
In this video, the audicence is asked, 'given $50 billion to spend, which would you solve first, AIDS or global warming?' Danish political scientist Bjorn Lomborg comes up with surprising answers and disscusses the many issues plaguing our world and the many things we can do, if we had the money, to solve these problems.
Time Required: Video = 15 mins
Teachers Notes
The disscussion which Bjorn has with his audience could be easily reproduced within one's own classroom. After watching this video one could start a disscussion within their class about the biggest issues within our world and what you would do if you had $50million dollars to solve one of these issues!
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Submitted By:GreenLearning
Administration:Edit Resource
Resource Type:Video
Subject(s):Science, Geography, Civics & Citizenship, Health & Wellbeing, Environmental Studies,
Topic:Health, Social Justice, Sustainable Development,
Level:Intermediate / MiddleSecondary
Administration:Edit Resource
Resource Type:Video
Subject(s):Science, Geography, Civics & Citizenship, Health & Wellbeing, Environmental Studies,
Topic:Health, Social Justice, Sustainable Development,
Level:Intermediate / MiddleSecondary