Ayiti Lesson 2: Class Discussion about the Cost of Life

Submitted By:bjoseph
Administration:Edit Resource
Resource Type:Lesson Plan
Subject(s):Civics & CitizenshipHealth & WellbeingInterdisciplinary Studies
Topic:Food and AgricultureGlobalizationSustainable Development
Grade: 9 10 11 12
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  • "I wonder if there is any way to actually win the game. I lost very quickly both times I tried, even with a change of strategy. Is that the point? There is no way to win in Haiti?" (Posted By: Iris Durfee)

  • "The overall educational value of the "Ayiti: The Cost of Life" game is very high and the creators should be applauded. However, we have a couple of suggestions that we believe will improve our students' gaming experience: 1) Basic starting instructions should be simpler and clearer. For example, can instructional pop-ups be embedded in the game itself to remind players of the steps required to start game play,? 2) Existing pop-ups that provide important input, such as characters' comments, should be onscreen for longer. Slower readers will have difficulty comprehending and then acting upon information. This will quickly lead to frustration. We'd like to see these changes made before we can recommend the game to our teachers. Thank you, Louise Marleau Social Studies/Native Studies Researcher, Frontier School Division, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada " (Posted By: Louise Marleau)

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