Oil Sands: The Case for Caution

Oil Sands: The Case For Caution provides an overview of the two main processes involved in extracting oil from the oil/tar sands - surface or "in situ" extraction. It presents some of the environmental issues related to extraction, the impact on wildlife, watersheds, air quality and greenhouse gas emissions. Included in the materials are a power point presentation with teacher script, and a version of the power point with voice over.
Time Required: The video is 13.40 minutes Viewing the power point with teacher/student discussion of the script - 30 minutes
Language: English
Oil Sands Power Point Presentation Curriculum Connections
Grade 5
Social Studies
English Language Arts
Physical Science
Resources and Wealth
Compose and Create
MC5.3 Assess how the production, use, and disposal of raw materials and manufactured products affects self, society, and the environment.
RW5.1 Explain the importance of sustainable management of the environment to Canada’s future.
CC5.1 Compose and create a range of visual, multimedia, oral, and written texts that explore: Community, social responsibility and express personal thoughts shaped through inquiry.
Grade 6
Social Studies
Resources and Wealth
RW6.2 Contribute to initiating and guiding change in local and global communities regarding environmental, social, and economic sustainability.
Grade 7
Social Studies
Life Science
Earth and Space Science
Dynamic Relationships
Resources and Wealth
IE7.4 Analyze how ecosystems change in response to natural and human influences, and propose actions to reduce the impact of human behaviour on a specific ecosystem. EC7.2 Identify locations and processes used to extract Earth’s geological resources and examine the impacts of those locations and processes on society and the environment.
EC7.3 Investigate the characteristics and formation of the surface geology of Saskatchewan, including soil, and identify correlations between surface geology and past, present, and possible future land uses. DR7.2 Appraise the impact of human habitation on the natural environment in Canada, and in a selection of Pacific Rim and northern circumpolar countries.
RW7.2 Investigate the influence of resources upon economic conditions of
people in circumpolar and Pacific Rim countries. RW7.3 Assess the ecological stewardship of economies of Canada and the circumpolar and Pacific Rim countries.
Grade 8
Social Studies
Health Education
Resources and Wealth
Understanding, Skills and Confidences
RW8.3 Critique the approaches of Canada and Canadians to environmental stewardship and sustainability.
USC8.6 Examine and assess the concept of sustainability from many perspectives, and develop an understanding of its implications for the well- being of self, others, and the environment.
Grade 10
Life Science
Earth and Space Science
SE1 Explore cultural perspectives on sustainability. SE2 Examine biodiversity within local ecosystems. SE4 Identify cycles, change and stability in ecosystems. SE5 Investigate human impact on ecosystems.
WD5 Identify consequences of global climate change.
Grade 11
Social Studies
Unit 3 Environment
2.5 Describe how the human community in which one lives is dependent on, and influenced by, the climate. 3.3 Investigate the role of humans in creating and sustaining conditions which alter the rate of ecological change.
5.4 Discuss the carrying capacity of planet Earth for the human population.
The central concept of this unit is the environment. Students will examine the conflict between protecting the habitat and satisfying human needs. The implications of the various alternative approaches to the environment will be analyzed.
Energy and
Module 4-
4.4 To explore the environmental impact, both short-term and long-term,
of common methods of mineral resource exploration, extraction, transportation, processing and consumption. 4.5 To explore the potential environmental impact, both short-term and long-term, of common methods and levels of energy generation, transport and consumption. 4.6 To examine the implications of Saskatchewan's current and "sustainable" levels of energy use, in the context of climate change and global warming. 4.7 To examine the implications of a goal of sustainable development, in the context of selected Saskatchewan energy resources.
Teaching Process
Present the video.
View the power point presentation using the script and discuss.
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Administration:Edit Resource
Source:Saskatchewan Environmental Society
Resource Type:Video
Subject(s):Science, Economics, Social Studies, Environmental Studies,
Topic:Energy Generation, Energy Use and Conservation,
Level:Intermediate / MiddleSecondary
Grade: 6 7 8 9 10 11