WWF-Canada's National Sweater Day
National Sweater Day (February 6, 2014): This online resource will help teachers celebrate National Sweater Day in their classrooms. Teaching prompts, strategies, projects and activity ideas are designed to help students make the connections between their thermostat, greenhouse gas emissions, climate change and the effects it is having on our planet. The resource also includes a take-home letter lets parents know your classroom will be participating and reminds students to wear a sweater to school, downloadable posters allow you to promote your event and more. NSD is free.
Language: English
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Submitted By:Green Learning
Administration:Edit Resource
Resource Type:Lesson Plan
Subject(s):Science, English / Language Arts, Social Studies, Environmental Studies, French,
Topic:Energy Use and Conservation, Solutions, Taking Action,
Level:Primary / ElementaryIntermediate / Middle
Grade:K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Administration:Edit Resource
Resource Type:Lesson Plan
Subject(s):Science, English / Language Arts, Social Studies, Environmental Studies, French,
Topic:Energy Use and Conservation, Solutions, Taking Action,
Level:Primary / ElementaryIntermediate / Middle
Grade:K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8