Change for the Oceans
This animated video highlights threats on animal life posed by climate change. Given enough time, sea life could adapt to climate change. Sadly animals evolve far too slowly. But we can change as quickly as we choose to. Small actions can make a real difference.
Time Required: 1 minute
Language: English
Teachers Notes
The attached video link includes information on why the oceans are changing, what people are doing about it and proposes ways for students to take action.
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Submitted By:GreenLearning
Administration:Edit Resource
Source:Monterey Bay Aquarium
Resource Type:Video
Subject(s):Geography, Social Studies, Environmental Studies, Environmental Science,
Topic:Ecosystems, Natural Disasters,
Level:Primary / ElementaryIntermediate / Middle
Grade:JKK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Administration:Edit Resource
Source:Monterey Bay Aquarium
Resource Type:Video
Subject(s):Geography, Social Studies, Environmental Studies, Environmental Science,
Topic:Ecosystems, Natural Disasters,
Level:Primary / ElementaryIntermediate / Middle
Grade:JKK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8