Education Database

The COOL 2.0 resource database contains hundreds of climate change resources selected by teachers and educators. You can Search for resources - View the most recent resources - Add resources to your COOL classroom - Add your own resource to the database.

Search Results (3)

  • Environment

    Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence and Climate Change: Dancing Our Way to a Better Environment

    In this lesson, students will use their kinesthetic intelligence to choerograph and perform a dance about climate change. Students will learn the basic principals of movement and will experiment with choreographing their own creative...

    Type:Lesson Plan
    Topic:Air, Atmosphere and Climate, Environment
    Subject:Dance, Arts
    Level:Primary / Elementary, Intermediate / Middle, Secondary

  • Sustainable Development

    Financial Literacy - Council of Ontario Drama and Dance Educators – Financial Literacy

    Lesson plans for drama and dance students in grades 4-12. Lessons plans use role-play as a way to explain financial concepts to drama and arts students. Link:...

    Type:Lesson Plan
    Topic:Business and Economics, Sustainable Development
    Subject:Dance, Theatre/Drama, Economics, Social Studies
    Level:Primary / Elementary, Intermediate / Middle
    Grade: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

  • Health

    Tobacco Control Lesson 2.2: Act Up, Butt Out

    Students play the role of smokers, "social smokers" and smokers trying to quit, to better understand the pressures faced by each. This activity is part of TeenNet's Virtual Classroom on Tobacco Control. Click here...

    Type:Lesson Plan
    Subject:Dance, Theatre/Drama, Health & Wellbeing

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