Zambia Youth on Climate Change
This podcast comes from Zambia, where young people from both the capital Lusaka and a rural town in the Western Province recorded short radio features on climate change and how it is affecting their lives and communities. These youth journalists, aged 15-18, are also passionate environmental activists involved in local climate change mitigation projects. In a world that often underestimates youth, and particularly youth from developing countries, hearing these articulate and urgent voices express their knowledge of the world and how they view their place in it, is both a fascinating and profound experience.
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Time Required: 30 minutes
Language: English
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Submitted By:GreenLearning
Administration:Edit Resource
Source:Public Radio Exchange
Resource Type:Video
Subject(s):Geography, Social Studies, Environmental Studies, Global Studies,
Topic:Governance, Taking Action, Water Issues,
Grade: 9 10 11 12
Administration:Edit Resource
Source:Public Radio Exchange
Resource Type:Video
Subject(s):Geography, Social Studies, Environmental Studies, Global Studies,
Topic:Governance, Taking Action, Water Issues,
Grade: 9 10 11 12