One Degree Matters

One Degree Matters follows social and business leaders as they travel to Greenland and experience for themselves the dramatic effects of the melting of the ice caps and come to understand the planetary effects of climate change and the impacts these will have on society and the economy. The film brings to the screen the latest science from the Arctic and shows why a further rise in global temperature of one degree matters for the future of humankind.
Time Required: 60 minutes
Language: English
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Submitted By:GreenLearning
Administration:Edit Resource
Source:European Environment Agency via Vimeo
Resource Type:Video
Subject(s):Geography, Economics, Social Studies, Environmental Studies, Global Studies,
Topic:Business and Economics, Ecosystems, Water Issues,
Administration:Edit Resource
Source:European Environment Agency via Vimeo
Resource Type:Video
Subject(s):Geography, Economics, Social Studies, Environmental Studies, Global Studies,
Topic:Business and Economics, Ecosystems, Water Issues,