Climate Change and the Melting Polar Ice Caps
The dramatic decline of the summer Arctic sea ice pack is probably the most visible, large scale change on Earth's surface in recent years. Most global climate models, however, have significantly underestimated this decline. This video will discuss how models from statistical physics are being used to study key sea ice processes such as the formation and melting of seasonal ice. Such processes must be better understood to improve projections of the fate of the polar ice packs, and the response of polar ecosystems. This video will also discuss evidence of climatic warming exhibited by the great land ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica. Video from a recent Antarctic expedition where we measured sea ice properties will be shown.
Time Required: 60 minutes
Language: English
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Administration:Edit Resource
Source:Simon Fraser's IRMAC Centre sea ice talk viaVimeo
Resource Type:Video
Subject(s):Mathematics, Physics,
Topic:Ecosystems, Water Issues,
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"Some excellent explanations of what is happening in the Arctic and Antarctica. You will want to view this and record the time stamp to determine segments that you would want to use. The end of the talk is not available due to technical difficulties." (Posted By: Kathy Worobec)
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