Case Study Summaries of Wind Energy Use in Saskatchewan
In this lesson, students will compare and contrast case studies already created for other wind farm locations in Canada available at the Canadian Wind Energy Association website, and then create a similar case study for wind farm locations in Saskatchewan. The completed case study will provide a structured 2 page summary of the history of wind power in Saskatchewan, the local economic impacts of wind energy creation in the region and the public attitudes towards wind energy development and use.
Time Required: 1-2 lessons
Language: English
Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
• Research the history of wind energy in SW Saskatchewan and explain why the geography of the region helps in the supply of wind energy
• Describe the geographical locations of current wind farms in Saskatchewan and the important resources and economic activities of the region
• Itemize the use of wind energy already on the provincial power grid and plans for expansion
• Briefly outline the benefits of wind energy for the residents of Saskatchewan in terms of economics, managing resources, clean energy, etc.
• Research local economic impacts of wind energy for the local communities, regions and the province
• Investigate the attitudes of the public towards wind energy creation in the region
• Prepare a 2 page case study summary using a pre-determined format that uses a variety of media to develop and organize the summaries of geographic information required for the case study
Teaching Process
Present copies of already-created case studies from other communities/regions with wind farms available at:
Ask students to identify what is similar about all of them in relation to lay-out, content, length, readability, etc.
Point out that case study summaries like this are not currently available for the Saskatchewan wind farm locations. Discuss why this may be and what students already know about the Saskatchewan wind energy sites.
Ask students to prepare a similar case study summary sheet for the Saskatchewan wind energy projects listed at . They should use the case studies provided as a guide to help them format their finished work.
Students will share their completed case study summary and can peer assess the completed case study using the supplied rubric.
Instructions for Students
Compare and contrast the provided case studies.
Identify similar qualities.
Give ideas why SK locations do not have similar case study summaries.
Research Saskatchewan wind energy projects and the surrounding communities and regions to prepare the 2 page summary document.
Create the document in the same format as the other case studies provided.
Peers assess the case studies using the rubric as a guide.
*Assessment rubric is located at the bottom of the attached lesson plan.
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Administration:Edit Resource
Source:Canadian Geographic
Resource Type:Lesson Plan
Subject(s):Social Studies,
Topic:Business and Economics, Renewable Energy, Solutions,
Grade: 9 10 11 12