Tobacco Control Lesson 3.1: Shop Around

Students will learn how tobacco is advertsied in different ways throughout their community. Using TIGed Collaborations, students can learn how tobacco is advertised in other parts of the world. This activity is part of TeenNet's Virtual Classroom on Tobacco Control. Click here access to the complete teacher's guide.
Time Required: 30 minutes set-up, 30 minutes to upload pictures and comment on others students' work. Time for production of photographs varies.
Learning Objectives
This activity is part of Section 3: Denormalization & Youth Action ofTeenNet's Virtual Classroom on Tobacco Control. Learning objectives for this section as a whole are:
- Understanding how and why the tobacco industry targets youth
- Knowledge and understanding of tobacco’s media and marketing campaigns (movies, television, community events…)
- Examination of tobacco attitudes including municipal, provincial, state, and/or national legislation, sales practices, and smoking rates of local youth populations
- Exploration of avenues and areas for youth involvement and youth action
Teaching Process
Written for students. You can add this directly to your class as an assignment!
Option 1
Go in to local convenient stores, grocery stores, malls, and see how cigarettes and tobacco products are marketed – signs, promo, product placement, colours, lights, height level, accessibility. Take pictures* of the displays and post them to your Class Blog, along with your analysis of the situation and the effects of different displays might have on consumers.
(*You will need permission from store owners/employees to take photos in stores as they are private property.)
Option 2
As an alternative to store locations, go to bus stops, billboards, and other outdoor public areas to see where tobacco advertising exists. Take photos and blog as in Option 1.
Teachers Notes
This is an excellent starting point for collaboration with another class from another country. Compare and contrast photos generated by each class. You can find collaboration partners in the Educator Discussions Forums.
Other Tools
- Digital cameras (or film cameras w/ scanner or Photo CD) - Access to a TIGed Virtual Classroom
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Administration:Edit Resource
Resource Type:Lesson Plan
Subject(s):Economics, Health & Wellbeing, Business Education,
Topic:Business and Economics, Health,
Grade: 9 10 11 12