Developing an Ontario Maple Syrup Sector Profile: A Value Chain Analysis

This is an executive summary of the following research:
From the document
"The research examined the Ontario maple syrup industry from an economic analysis perspective, utilizing the value chain approach. In general, a value system can be understood as a network of enterprises and inter-organizational relationships through which maple products move from preproduction to consumption/postproduction. This research is part of a larger project funded by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA). The larger project’s goal is to identify competitive, innovative opportunities for capacity development in Ontario’s maple syrup agri-food value chain by increasing added value related to new products and services, better market differentiation and stronger network relationships. It contributes to the increased profitability, sustainability and wellbeing of rural communities. "
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Administration:Edit Resource
Source:Wilfrid Laurier University
Resource Type:Research
Subject(s):Economics, Business Education, Social Studies, Environmental Studies,
Topic:Business and Economics, Food and Agriculture, Natural Resources,
Level:Intermediate / MiddleSecondary
Grade: 8 9 10 11 12