Canadian mining firms worst for environment
This link leads to an article posted by the Toronot Star entitled, 'Canadian mining firms worst for environment, rights: Report'.
The article looks at the effect which Canadian mining companies have had on the environment, both within our own backyard and throughout the world. It labels Canadian mining companies as being the worst in the world in regards to environmental and ethical standards!
Language: English
Teachers Notes
After reading this article with the class, have students research any other Canadian companies they believe are harming the environment and disscuss with the class ways they companies could avoid such destruction or even bring forth the idea of activism and ask students what they can do about these companies and their harmful actions!
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Administration:Edit Resource
Source:The Toronto Star
Resource Type:Research
Subject(s):Geography, Social Studies, Environmental Studies, Global Studies,
Topic:Air, Atmosphere and Climate, Social Justice,
Grade: 9 10 11 12