Bill Hare on the Cancun Agreements
Climate Change verteran and adviser to AOSIS, Bill Hare talks about his concerns for the week ahead, in particular he emphasises that we need to get down to the substantive issues. He explores what the Cancun Agreements mean in practice, whether they are the high point, or a base from which to work. He talks about some negotiators want to stick to the lower targets, while others are calling for more ambition to reduce temperatures to a 1.5 / 2 % rise as opposed to current figures which will lead to a 3/4% rise.
Time Required: 9 minutes
Language: English
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Administration:Edit Resource
Source:Climate Change TV
Resource Type:Video
Subject(s):Geography, Social Studies, Environmental Studies, Global Studies,
Topic:Air, Atmosphere and Climate, Ecosystems, Governance,
Grade: 9 10 11 12
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"This is a video talking about the Cancun agreements from the 2010 UN Climate Change Conference and what is in the agreement and discusses where things are heading in the political global decisions." (Posted By: Kathy Worobec)
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