World We Live In (WWLi)
Using the project forum, participants discuss and clarify their ideas about the world and environment they live in as well as offer their suggestions about the improvement of the quality of life. Project participants are invited to discuss the problems of life in their region, suggest the ways of solution of these problems. They share their thoughts, ideas with each other by the means of answering the questions, suggested during the discussion as well as by creating essays, pictures and photos. Students select the most interesting projects and discuss them on the project's Forum.
Language: English
Learning Objectives
Publications of materials of all project participants, and a presentation of all thoughts, and ideas about the improvement of quality of life.
Teachers Notes
In order to join the collaborative project, teachers must register as members with iEARN. Visit the attached Registration link and follow prompts to become a member.
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Administration:Edit Resource
Resource Type:Collaborative Project
Subject(s):Geography, Civics & Citizenship, Social Studies, Global Studies,
Topic:Ecosystems, Social Justice, Taking Action,
Level:Primary / ElementaryIntermediate / MiddleSecondary
Grade: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12